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Your Night Time Regimen

As your skin naturally repairs itself at night, you just need to help it to hydrate, glow and protect.

To get rid of the day’s grime, dirt, oil and makeup, and all other impurities on your skin  try double cleansing which involves using a cleansing oil (you can achieve this by heating up your whipped body butter and let it cool for a few minutes) first to dissolve your makeup and then washing your face again with your regular cleanser. 

If you use a toner, apply it as you would in the morning. 

Since these are lightweight, almost water-like formulas, apply them after washing your face as you would a toner. 

An optional step would be to use mist sprays for your face and body after cleansing, these generally act as a nourishing agent to the skin after the cleansing toner. 

Generally, you’d want to apply your eye cream before your treatments to protect your eye area against potent ingredients, which could potentially cause damage

Like the rest of the body, skin does the bulk of its repairing, restoring and regenerating as we sleep. Therefore, most targeted skin care treatments are better used at night.  

Pick your evening treatment based on what your skin needs that night, not based on what you have in your medicine cabinet. Some nights, it may be just wash, moisturize and bed. There is always tomorrow to give your skin more love.” 

Always remember if you layer up your skin with too much treatments it heightens the chances of irritating your skin even further.  

Less is more.  

Night creams are specifically designed to enhance this process by boosting the skin with moisture and targeting specific skin concerns like fine lines or hyperpigmentation. They promise not only to moisturize skin during sleep, but to neutralize damaging free radicals, improve skin tone and texture, firm up sagginess, minimize wrinkles and lines, or wipe out mottling and sunspots.